Marvelously Scandalous
vonWomen and comedy: A feminist perspective on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
Women and comedy: A feminist perspective on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
Jonathan Franzen’s novel Crossroads synthesizes realist form and an incisive plot, offering an unflinching exploration of the lives of two generations.
Love Actually, a controversial classic Christmas film that will make you laugh, cry, cringe and warm your heart in time for the holidays.
In the documentary Varda by Agnès, acclaimed French-Belgian director Agnès Varda tells the stories of making her films.
Netflix’s Squid Game, a reflection on the unfairness of society and life’s fragile worth.
Set in Northern Ireland, Sue Divin’s Guard Your Heart explores the lingering sectarianism in a modern Romeo and Juliet love story.
Shadow and Bone. Six of Crows. Two popular fantasy book series, turned into one single TV show. But can that work?
Sitcoms are often looked down upon as lowbrow entertainment. But there’s more to them in terms of political potential! By Hanna-Maria Vester.
Disney’s Luca is a heart-warming and nostalgic tale of friendship and inclusion set in the colourful Italian riviera. By Silvia Vacchelli.
Contemporary Fantasy – an unknown term for a genre with very successful books. But why would enjoying them make us feel guilty? By Tom Rösner.